Our breeding dogs undergo a variety of health testing(OFA or Pennhip, CERF,PRA-prcd, elbows, vWd and thyroid) prior
to breeding. We strive to breed healthy and sound family pets. Your puppy will come with a 5 day general health warranty
and a 24 month genetic health guarantee.
Please note:
Puppies go to their new homes at 9 to 10 weeks old, yes they could go at 8 weeks but I prefer to keep them
a little longer so that I can give vaccines according to the new vaccine protocols at 9weeks. It takes 2 weeks
after the vaccine is given for the pup to have any immunity built up. Vaccines given prior to 8 weeks old do not give immunity
to the puppies and can compromise the immunity they get from Mom.
It is our policy to have the puppies spayed/neutered before they go home. We realize that there is some controversy surrounding
this practice, but in 9+ yrs we have not experienced a problem that could be traced to ESN. If you are not comfortable with
this practice we suggest you look for a breeder that does not practice ESN.
Rehome Policy:
If for any reason in the lifetime of your Bear River Doodle you find that you can no longer care for your dog please
call me first. I will be more than happy to assist you in placing your dog with a new family or if the need is
urgent your doodle will come back to me until I can place it. Please do not place it on your own or surrender your Bear
River Doodle to a shelter or pound. I take very seriously the responsibility I have to the dogs I have bred I want to
always do my best for them.
Visitor Policy
Visitation is by appointment. Appointments are generally on Saturdays, and are
in 1 hour increments. We are very concerned with the health of the puppies we sell and want to ensure that when you
receive your pup that it is in the best health. Since many diseases that affect dogs can live off the body of the dog
for long periods, some diseases like Parvo virus can live for over a year and can be tracked in on shoes without you ever
knowing you walked through it. Parvo virus is deadly to young puppies and unvaccinated dogs. For this reason we
ask that on the day you are invited to visit the puppies , you do not visit places frequented by dogs and dog owners, (ie.
the vet, the pet store, the dog park ,another breeder etc.) you will be asked to wear booties over your shoes
or to step in a bleach solution and to wash your hands before being with the puppies. We do this not to be
difficult but to protect our dogs.
No visits will be allowed before the puppies are 7 to 8 weeks old.
A note to parents:
If you are not 100% committed to getting a puppy do not bring your kids to see them. It is very difficult
to say no to kids once they have fallen in love with a puppy. Please also remember that because of the nature of children,
you as the parent will have the primary responsibility for the puppy. If you are not willing to take on this role and the
work of having and training a puppy please do not buy one.
Puppy Selection
When the pups are 7.5 to 8 weeks old we have them evaluated by our trainers to assist us in placing pups. We do allow
you to choose your pup with our guidance and counsel according to your place on the list . Every effort is made to match you
with the right pup for your family and your wish list. If you don't get your favorite pup and want to wait for another litter
you may do so. You may also choose to cancel your pup, in doing so you forfeit your reservation fee.
*Please note that BRD has the right to hold back a puppy for our own use or for sale/trade with other breeders to further
our breeding program. We will make every effort to make sure that you get the perfect match but priority will be given to
the needs of the BRD breeding program.
Male or Female?
In neutered Labradoodles and Goldendoodles there is very little
difference in male and female, both are very loving and sweet. Please try to be open to either gender. We feel
temperament is the most important factor in matching puppies to families but we do want you to be happy and will do all that
we can to give you what you want.