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Bear River's Maracaturra has earned her retirement. She gave us 2 spectacular litters and 2 breeding prospects. Turra is
a much loved member of our family.
Sutter Buttes Winchester has retired and is living with his family in Orangevale, CA. Sure was hard to part with this handsome

Safari's Artful Dodger our sweet petite mini goldendoodle boy has retired and is living the life of a prince with his guardian
Lorraine. He is so lovrd anf pampered.

Sierra Vista's Creme Brulee Latte aka Latte |
Our beautiful Latte, what a career she has had! She has 5 pups working as therapy or service dogs with 4 more in training
and many wonderful pet dogs. She has been the best mama a breeder could ask for. I could not love this dog more! She is passing
the baton to her daughter's Turra,Twomey and Tater and will stay right here with us being spoiled for the the rest of her
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Sierra Vista's Chipotle |
Chipotle or Chipper as we call her has been a fabulous mama and has consitently given us beautiful puppies. At 4 years old
she has earned retirement. She will spend the rest of her days with our dear friends Yvonne and Dennis living the life of
a pampered princess. While hard to part with her, Chipper chose them and is thriving under their loving care!
Sparki gave us 3 wonderful litters and has earned her retirement. She will live the
rest of her life as a pampered princess in the home of her guardians Cheryl and Greg in Fresno.

Morning Glory gave us two gorgeous litters of chocolate puppies and is the Mama of our boy Guinness and
Odin who has been trained as a PTSD service dog. Glory had some complications with her pregnancies so we have decided
to retire her for her own health and well being.

Bear River's Lindor Truffle |
Lindy gave us 3 wonderful litters and has earned her retirement. She will enjoy a life of ball chasing
and playing with her house mate Glory.

Sierra Vista's Star Dust aka Dusty |
Dusty gave us some wonderful puppies and has earned her retirement. She will continue to live with her family in
Auburn and her sister Amber as a pampered princess. Good news for us is we will still see her often!

Sierra Vista's Meadow |
Meadow has more than earned her retirement having raised 25 puppies in only 2 litters-she is very prolific!
She is loving life with her family -especially her 3 two legged kids.

Sierra Vista's Amber Sunrise |
Amber gave us 3 wonderful litters of pups and was a fantastic Mama! We love what she gave us so much that we decided
to keep back 2 girls to move forward with and now she has earned her retirement. Amber will live with her fur sister
Dusty, also a retired BRD dog and her wonderful parents Scott and Jane in Auburn.

Our own Amazing Grace gave us 2 litters but because of her small size we have decided to let her retire
a little early. She will live with Cindy and be the spoiled little princess that she deserves to be!